One of the prime pillars of any organisation on the basis of which an organisation thrives is its leadership. A leader is a visionary who is the podium on which his associates perform. This, my dear friends, this is the reason why some organisations sustain and certain institutions fail before they blossom.

While I find emotional touch a quintessential leadership quality, I have also seen cases where certain leaders get too attached to their employees and this attachment then creates a negative environment for others. Leaders who were excellent have a blot on their names due to such incessant attachments with particular employees. A leader must know to draw the line between his attachments and the duties he is bound to. When a leader fails to realise this, he not only loses credibility but comes across as a person who is biased and emotionally immature. A leader I feel must understand the personal issues of his employees and empathize with them but should not take it far and make their problems his/her own to the extent of being biased towards them.
A true leader is the one whose vision becomes the inspiration for his followers; whose action sets the threshold for excellence for his associates; whose free will nature inspires one's mind to act without manacles and provide innovative solutions; whose superior qualities thus makes an employee submit his loyalty and make his goal aligned with the ones of his leader.